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发布时间:2021-03-15 04:16:12

1. 有无新版人教版三年级英语教学设计


Unit 1 My school bag
A. 字母Aa Bb要求“四会”。
B. 词汇(八个文具类单词)要求“两会”。
C. 日常交际用语:What’s this /that in /on the ……? What’s this /that in English ?It’s …… Come here……
D. 歌曲A B C song要求“会唱”。
1、 能正确地听、说、读、写字母Aa和Bb .
2、 能听懂、会说新授的八个文具及玩具类单词: a school bag .a crayon , a tape , a knife ,a storybook ,a book ,a stapler及a toy , train .
3、 能听懂、会说日常交际用语What’s this /that in /on the……?What’s this /that in English ?It’s …… Come here, ……并获得运用所学语言进行交际的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然。
4、 能正确理解、运用介词in和on .
5、 会唱歌曲A B C song .
第一课时:A部分第1、2幅图。B部分单词a tape ,a knife ,a crayon , a school bag .
第二课时:A部分第3、4幅图。B部分单词a storybook ,a book ,a stapler ,a toy train .
教具准备:图片(文具类及人物Gao Shan.Yang Ling)、磁带、录音机、教学挂图、书包等实物。
The first period
Teaching Contents:
A. Vocabulary : a tape ,a knife ,a crayon, a school bag .
B. Patterns : What’s this /that in /on the ……?
Teaching Aims:
1、能听懂、会说表示文具的单词(见上)以及短语Come here .
2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语What’s this /that in /on the ……?并能用It’s ……回答。
Teaching steps:
A. Review and study . a. 学习新短语come here…… (师手拿教具进入教室):Come here ,…… close the door ,please . (生关好门以后,师道谢:Thank you ). 生跟师学说:Come here.
c. 认识本册教材中将要出现的人物,注意人物衣着的变化,并认识两个新人物:苏阳、苏海,双胞胎的区别在于她俩头上发卡颜色的不同。
d. 回顾上学期所学的一些单词(形式自便)。
B.Presentation and practice .
1.介绍句型What’s that/this in/on the ……? a.区别this和that。 借助实物和图片,引导学生说This is ……That’s ……e.g. Ss: This is a desk /That’s a pencil sharpener .
b. Ss learn to say : What’s this /that?It’s …… 借助上学期所学文具类单词,如pen ,ball pen等。
c. The Ss learn to say :What’s this/that in /on the ……?
把文具放在书book ,desk, pencil box上面或里面,让学生区别in和on .
d. Practice .
e.Play a game : Touch and guess .
e.g S1: What’s on the desk?
S2: (被蒙上双眼) It’s a ……
S1: Yes /No .
2.过渡学习新单词:a tape ,a knife ,a crayon ,a school bag .
a. 在游戏中,放入knife或其它让生猜是什么,引入新单词学习。
b. The Ss look and learn : tape ,knife ,crayon ,school bag .
Spell : t-a-p-e tape .
k-n-i-f-e knife .
c. Sing a song : tape ,tape ,tape.
d. Drill: 连锁操练。
S1:What’s in my pencil box ?
S2: It’s a …
S1: Yes/No ,it’s a ……
S2: What’s in my pencil box ?
S3: It's a ……
S2:Yes/No ,It’s a ……
S3: What’s in my pencil box ?
C. Learn to say .
1. 写出课题:Unit 1 My school bag .
2. 出示教学挂图,认识人物Gao Shan , YangLing
3. Discuss: What’re they saying ?
注意纠正: in 和on .
4. Listen to the tape and try to imitate .
5. Action .
Group work (小组内交流,运用新知)
Design :
Unit 1 My school bag .
What’s this/that on /in the desk?
图片 a tape .
It’s 图片 Knife .
图片School bag .

The second periodTeaching Contents :
A. Vocabulary : a storybook ,a book ,a stapler ,a toy train.
B. Patterns :What’s this/that in English ? Oh ,I see.
Teaching Aims:
1. 能听懂、会说表示文具或玩具的单词(见上)及短语Oh ,I see ,Excuse me .

2. 如何优化中学英语词汇教学设计

提高英语词汇有效教学的对策 :
爱因斯坦说过“兴趣和爱好是最好的教师”,可看出兴趣的重要性,而直观教具的使用恰恰也激起了学生学习的动机,在适当的时候,教师采取直观教学能起到“催化剂”的作用.在词汇教学中,教师利用实物、图片、幻灯片等一系列辅助教具及手势、动作表情引入新单词,不仅能吸引学生的注意力,还能使他们积极参与,使他们获得成功的满足感,提高学习兴趣.教师如能把桔子奖给回答好的同学,那课堂气氛就会活跃.如在学习动词短语row a boat,play the piano,go skiing时,教师可用动作引入,一边做动作一边说短语,这样学生非常容易理解.接着让学生跟着教师一起做动作,有韵律地读出这些短语,同时做出划船的动作,学生的学习兴趣一定会高涨.学生对学习英语产生兴趣,那他们对待外语的学习态度将会是积极的,心中也就会很渴望学会这种语言,虽然学起来较难,巩固较难,但由于态度积极,他们便愿意下苦功掌握这种语言,以便达到他日能在同学、教师面前有好表现,甚至见到外国人也能说上两句.
猜谜语也是激发学生学习兴趣的一种方法,有了兴趣,再积极参与,从而听、说、读、写等方面的能力得到提高,最终把单词牢牢记住.有些单词采用谜语形式来猜测,会达到事半功倍的效果,而且久而久之便也提高了学生的理解力.①例如:What has a bed but never sleeps,a mouth but never speaks?(a river) ②I jump into water.(a waiter) ③What has four legs but only one foot?(a bed) ④What has many keys,but can’t unlock a single door?(a piano)等等,这些谜语都是浅显易懂的,也锻炼了学生的听说能力和思维能力.
如在学习身体部位单词时,当听到tough your head就用手触摸你的头,看谁反应快,以此来训练学习的反应速度和单词的记忆能力以及身体协调程度.这样既增加了学生学习英语的兴趣,也减轻了学习英语的负但,还锻炼了其它方面的能力.
在教学If she goes to a different school, I won’t see my best friend.时,有一位上课教师在这方面做得不错,在学习新的词汇时,用已学的相近词汇去引出新词汇,如warm-warn,table-able,sofa-solo,city-pity,heat-beat,这样降低了新单词的难度,同时也让学生了解到原来还可以这样学习词汇.“英语词汇总量虽上百万,但基本构词成分却是有限的.无论就音形而言,还是就意义而言,每个英语词都同其他词有千丝万缕的联系,是整个英语词汇系统中的一个分子.”由此可见,各个词汇之间是有联系的,而且系统性很强,教师在教学中也应该利用词汇的这些特点,立足于词汇系统之上,当然对于这些特点,教师也不能够直接把它们说出来,最好能在集中教学词汇时呈现出来,让学生自己去总结、发现,这样的学习有学生的亲自参与,更能培养他们的学习能力.总体来说,笔者认为可以用以下方法:①改换字母法.单词都是由二十六个英文字母组成的,我们只要细心观察和对比单词之间相似之处,记忆起来就会很容易.如fight-right-eight-might,horse-house,past-last;cause-because,read-spread;hour-our,through-though,away-way等.
③归类法.把同一类的单词总结起来,便于记忆.如表示身体器官的单词: head,eye,face,ear,nose,mouth,neck,shoulder,arm,hand,stomach,leg,knee,foot;表示颜色的单词: red,green,white,black,blue,pink,yellow,orange,purple,brown等.
④词性转换法.对于缺少英语语言学习环境的中国学生来说,必须从语法角度来掌握词性,利用词汇转换的方法来学习.常见的是动词与名词、名词与形容词、形容词与副词之间的相互转换.如teach-teacher,sing–singer,win-winner,rain-rainy, snow-snowy;bright-brightly;health-healthy-healthily;tooth-toothache等.
英语解释法就是运用简单的学生已学过的词汇,利用与新词同义、近义或反义的词来解释新词,使学生在原有知识的基础上去掌握新单词的听、说、读、写.这种方法不但训练了学生的听力,而且还可以收到以旧带新、以新复旧的效果.“学习语言的首要条件就是要多听、多读,通过听读这两条渠道向大脑输入大量的、可理解的语言材料.有了大量的、足够的语言输入与积累,才能融会贯通形成语言规则.”这就要求教师在上课时要用英语来教学,用英语来解释单词、句子等,并用英语设置交际情境来启发学生用英语思考.英语解释法正符合了用听、说向大脑输入大量语言材料的要求.学生对于教师所说的英语能听得懂,又知道新单词的意思,这样增添了学生们学习的信心,自然也提高了学生参与学习、积极学习的信心.如可以这样解释下列单词:①holiday:time off from work;②invite:ask someone to dinner or a party;③housework:work done around home;④afternoon:between 12:00 and 6:00 in the daytime;⑤exam:an important school test;⑥different:not the same;⑦entrance:place where you go in等.当然,用简单英语解释英语单词,要求教师在课前做一定量的收集工作去查找最简单的词汇.
在初中英语词汇中,有许多单词在不同的句子和语境中表达出来的意义也完全不同,如:Does he run(赛跑) faster than you? He runs(经营) a big company. Run(竞选) for President. The report ran(刊登) in all the newspapers. He ran(赶) a cow into a barn.等.正是由于词汇的多义性,所以讲授单词一定要放在一定的语境中,使学生知道什么时候使用这个词、怎么用.
S: Yes, it means “有礼貌的”.
T: Yes, very good. You got the meaning. Now read after me: polite, polite. She is polite, and I am polite too.
S: polite, polite. She is polite, and I am polite, too.
S: I think Wu Yong is polite. Because he always says hello to the teachers and he often gives his seat to the old people on the bus.这样把polite放段落中学习,不但教会了学生这个单词,而且培养了学生的思维能力,不仅可以使学生通过语境更加深刻地理解单词的用法和多种意义,从而更加牢固地记忆单词;而且还能增加学生的语言输入,培养和激发学生的好奇心和求知欲,还能自如地去运用这一单词.

3. 英语教案详案包括哪些内容

1、能听懂、会说文具玩具类单词 school bag, a crayon, a tape, a knife. a storybook, a book, a stapler, a toy train .
2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语What’s this/ that in/on…? What’s this/ that in English? It’s… 并获得运用语言进行交际的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然。
3、能使用礼貌用语 Excuse me.
4、能正确理解、运用介词in, on。
1、能听懂、会说文具玩具类单词a school bag, a crayon, a tape, a knife. a storybook, a book, a stapler, a toy train .
2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语What’s this/ that in/on…? What’s this/ that in English? It’s… 并获得运用语言进行交际的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然。
3、能正确理解、运用介词in, on。
三、 教学准备
Step 1 Free talk/ Revision
1.师生用Good morning/afternoon. How are you?互相问候。
A:Excuse me, what's this in English?
B: It's a ...
Step 2 Presentation and practice
1、 出示本课文具玩具类图片,同桌对话练习:
A: Excuse me, what's this in English?
B: It's a ...
A: Thank you./ Oh, I see.
2、 讲台上放一只书包
T: What's that on the desk? 出示词组on, on the desk并领读。
Make some phrases.
T: What's in the school bag?
S: It’s a storybook.
in, in the school bag 并领读
Make some phrases.
T: What else are there in the school bag? Guess!
T :操练新单词 a book, a stapler, a toy train
3、 T:(指一位学生的铅笔盒)
What's that in your pencil-box?
T: What's that on the desk?
T: Can you ask me?
4、 T: Come here, xxx, what's that on the desk?
S: It’s a……
T: Thank you.
出示 come here并领读
5、 Show the toys, ask and answer.
Step 3 Learn to say
1 Listen to the tape.
2 Read and repeat the text.
3 Act it.
Step 4 Consolidation
Play a guessing game: What’s in my school bag?
Sa: It's a...
Unit 1 A school bag(A)
A: What’s this/ that in/on…?
B: It’s…


一、 教学目标
1、能听懂、会说文具玩具类单词a school bag, a crayon, a tape, a knife. a storybook, a book, a stapler, a toy train.
2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语What’s this/ that in English? It’s… 并获得运用语言进行交际的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然。
3、 能使用礼貌用语 Excuse me.
二、 教学重难点
1、能听懂、会说文具玩具类单词a school bag, a crayon, a tape, a knife. a storybook, a book, a stapler, a toy train.
2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语What’s this/ that in English? It’s… 并获得运用语言进行交际的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然。
三、 教学准备
四、 教学过程
Step 1 Free talk:
1. Free talk:
1. 师生用Good morning/afternoon. How are you?互相问候。
2. 引导学生用 What's your name?互问姓名,练习“what's”。
Step 2 Presentation and practice:
1、 出示一只书包
T: What's this? T: It's a school bag.
出示单词 a school bag 并领读 spell: bag
T: What's this in English?
出示词组 in English 并领读
T:What's this in English?
同法教其它文具类单词(a crayon, a tape, a knife),并板书
2、 T:(放一支蜡笔在讲台上,走远一点)
T: What's that in English?
帮助区分this, that 的用法。
3、 某学生拿一物品在远处
T: Excuse me, xxx. What’s that in English?
出示 excuse me 并领读, 解释其用法,表示打扰别人。
重复对话,引出Oh, I see.
4、 出示本课所学的文具、玩具单词,师生问答练习。
Ask and answer in pairs.
S: 同桌操练句型。
Step 3 Look and say:
1、 第一幅图:小女孩指着自己手里订书机好奇地问男孩。
A: What’s this in English?
B: It's a stapler.
2、 第三幅图,小女孩指着近处椅子上的一本故事书问男孩。
A: What’s this in English?/ What’s this on the chair?
B: It's a storybook.
Practise P2\4
Practise in pairs.
Step 4 Consolidation
1. Listen to the tape and repeat.
2. Read and spell the new words.
1 Read and spell the new words.
2 Copy the new words.
Unit 1 My school bag(B\C\D)
a school bag, a crayon,
a tape, a knife
a storybook, a book,
a stapler, a toy train
A:What’s this/ that in/on…?
What’s this/ that in English?


3、学习歌曲“ABC song”,以激发学生学习英语的兴趣。
Step 1 Free talk/ Revision
1.师生用Good morning/afternoon. How are you? 互相问候。
2. Ask and answer:
A:Excuse me, what's this in English?
B: It's a ...
A: What's this in English?
C: It's a ...

Step 2 Presentation and practice
1: 出示含有介词词组的投影片,同桌对话练习:
A: Excuse me, what's that on the book?
B: It's a tape.
A: Thank you./ Oh, I see.
2: T: Come here, … . What's this in English?
T: Thank you.
… , what's that on the ...?
T: Oh, I see.
Make some dialogues like this.
Step 3 Fun house
1. Listen and circle
Do the exercise.
2. Play a game: Touch and guess
3. Listen to the song “ABC song”, then sing the song.
1 Review Unit 1.
2 Do some exercises.
Unit 1 A school bag
A: What’s this/ that in/on…?
What’s this/ that in English?
B: It’s …

4. 小学英语课堂教学设计

一、 教学目标:
1. 能够听、说、读、写句型:
Where did you go on your holiday ? I went to Xinjiang.
Where did you go on your holiday ? I went to Xinjiang.
Step 1: Warm-up:
1. Greetings
2. Listen to the song : A Trip to China
Step 2: Revision:
1. Game : Good brothers
2.Ask and answer
教师抽取A Let’s learn部分的短语卡片,两组学生轮流问答:A: what did you do on your holiday? B: I took pictures/….
Step 3: Presentation:
1.T: I often go to Songyang Park on the weekend. Do you often go to the park, too?
T: Where did you go last weekend?
Enable the student to answer with “I went to ….”
( 板书这两个句型, 让学生理解Where did you go…?并带读。 )
2. T shows some pictures of Shaolin Temple, Songyang Park, Shenquan Square etc.and asks the students to practise in pairs.
A: Where did you go last weekend?
B: I went to ….
3. T:What did you do there? ( 强调there的读音并释义,带读。)
Ss: I ….
4.T shows the pictures of Beijing, Shanghai, Guilin, Xinjiang etc..
T: Have you ever been to Xinjiang ?
Ss: Yes / No.
T: John went to Xinjiang last year. The people in Xinjiang like singing and dancing. Do you want to know what John did in Xinjiang? Let’s look at the book and listen to the tape.
Step4. Practice:
1. Listen and emitate the dialogue.
2.Read after T: Fast and low speed.
2. Role read the dialogue in pairs.
3. Write the dialogue.
4. Read and recite the dialogue.
5. Talk show.
Step 5.Consolidation and extension:
1.Make a dialogue.
A:Where did you go on your holiday?
B: I went to Shanghai.
A: What did you do there?
B: I ate good food.
2. Act out the dialogue.
Step 4: Sum-up:
Step 5: Homework:
1. Recite and write the dialogue.
2. Make a new dialogue with your partner. 更多的小学英语教学设计,请登录《小学教学设计网》

5. 全新版大学英语教案_Book 3单词词组课件教案

背单词,短语。背的同时要知道怎么去老实说,大学英语过级是底子的问题,词组,考试时候把字体写好一点。 3比如数值型的题目,人家问你a book

6. 初中英语课堂教学教案

科目 English 年级 Grade 2 班级 时间 年 月 日
课题 Unit 5 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time. 课型 New
教 学 目 标 (1) Listening and speaking methods.
(2) Communicative approach.

教材分析 Key Points : let in
Difficulty : Learn the key structures.
时序 教学操作过程设计(重点写教师怎么教及学生怎么学,
Step 1. Greeting and Revision
Greeting the class as usual and check the homework.

Step 2.New words
Show the new words on the board.
Teach the new words . Read the new words to students and ask students to repeat.
Let in 允许进入,允许参加
Jeans: 牛仔库
Consequence: 结果,后果,因果关系
Read the first two words to the class and ask them to repeat.
For the last one, tell Ss in this unit we’ll learn to talk about consequences.

Step3 Section A
Draw some pictures on the board and ask Ss to talk about what they see in them.
T: What is the boy doing in the first picture?
S1: Walking.
T: That’s correct. He’s walking to school. What are the other students doing?
S2: They’re taking the bus to school.
T: What’s happening in the second picture?
S3: He’s late.
T: That’s correct. The boy is late.
T: (Pointing to the first picture.) I’m going to talk to this boy.
Andy, you should take the bus. You shouldn’t walk to school. If you walk to school, you’ll be late.(Class repeat, if you walk to school, you’ll be late.)
And write this sentence on the board.

Step4 1a
Activity ia introces key vocabulary and provides reading practice using the target language.
Firs point out the four pictures and get Ss to tell what they see.
Then ask two students to read the conversation in the speech bubbles in the first pictures.
Sa: I think I’m going to go to the party with Karen and Ann.
Sb: If you do, you’ll have a great time.
Then have Ss look at 1a. Ask them to match the statements and responses.
Check the answers. 1-4: d a b c

Ask Ss to read each pair of sentences in groups.
Write the second pair on the board:
I think I’m going to wear jeans to party.
If you do, the teachers won’t let you in.

T: The phrase “let sb. in” means “let sb. come in”.
They won’t let people in without a ticket. (Write the sentence on the board.)

Step 5 1b
This activity provides listening practice using the target languang.
T: Listen to the tape. You’ll hear four conversations. Each conversation will give you the matching responses for one of the four statement.
(Play the recording. Students listen.)

Step 6 1c Pairwork
This activity provides guided speaking and listening practice using the target language.
First ask Ss to look at the pictures and then make conversations.
Then have two students read the sample dialogue.
Sa: I think I’m going to stay at home.
Sb: If you do, you’ll be sorry.
T: Work with your partner please. Make a converstion using the things that are happening in the pictures.
(At the end ask one or two pairs of students to say their conversations to the class. They are given little presents if they do the work well.)

Step 7 Summary and homework
Today we have learnt to talk about consequences. We’ve learnt the sentence: If you…, you’ll … Do you like to go to the party? Do you like to have a party in your house? If nobody comes to your party, you’ll be sorry. Right?

Practice the target language and preview the next page.

教 学 反 思

7. 高中英语教学设计包括哪几部分




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