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A. 英文廣播稿怎麼寫啊

A: dear friends,
Welcome to enter our Learning English. all members of this program will send the best wishes to you ,we expect that you will be happy on Sundays and have a good time.
There we will talk about something we are interested in ,share emotions and listen to free music, what』s more ,many pieces of humus will make you happy!
朋友們歡迎走進我們今天的 Learning English 我們衷心地希望多彩的節目能夠伴你度過美好的時光
B : Christmas is coming. Let me tell you something about Christmas. 同學們,聖誕節馬上要到了。今天我們就向大家介紹一下聖誕節。
A: 從 12 月 24 日 於翌年 1 月 6 日為聖誕節節期。節日期間,各國基督教徒都舉行隆重的紀念儀式。聖誕節本來是基督教徒的節日,由於人們格外重視,它便成為一個全民性的節日,是西方國家一年中最盛大的節日,可以和新年相提並論,類似我國過春節。
B : What colour is the Christmas ?西方人以紅、綠、白三色為聖誕色,聖誕節來臨時家家戶戶都要用聖誕色來裝飾。紅色的有聖誕花和聖誕蠟燭。
A :綠色的是聖誕樹。它是聖誕節的主要裝飾品,用砍伐來的杉、柏
B :紅色與白色相映成趣的是聖誕老人,他是聖誕節活動中最受歡迎的人物。西方兒童在聖誕夜臨睡之前,要在壁爐前或枕頭旁放上一隻襪子,等候聖誕老人在他們入睡後把禮物放在襪子內。在西方,扮演聖誕老人也是一種習俗。
A :正像中國人過春節吃年夜飯一樣,歐美人過聖誕節也很注重全家人圍坐在聖誕樹下,共進節日美餐。聖誕大餐吃火雞的習俗始於 1620 年。這種風俗盛於美國。英國人的聖誕大餐是烤鵝,而非火雞。澳大利亞人愛在平安夜裡,全家老小約上親友成群結隊地到餐館去吃一頓聖誕大臘雞、燒牛仔肉和豬腿必不可少,同時伴以名酒,吃得大家歡天喜地。
B : It 』 s interesting. So many kids like the day. Do you like it?
A:ok let」s have a rest
A :同學們 你對七個星期名稱的英語,一定不陌生吧。
B :當然,它們分別是 Sunday , Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday and Saturday.
A :那你們知道它們的由來嗎?今天的將向大家介紹一下英語中各星期名稱的來歷。
B :你們知道嗎?大多數歐洲國家的語言都源自拉丁語,英語中一周七天的名稱也與拉丁語有著密切的聯系。在講英語的國家裡,一周七天的名稱大部分是根據拉丁語翻譯而來的,翻譯時用北歐神話中的神名代替羅馬神名代替羅馬神名。
A : Sunday (星期日),這是一周中的第一天。太陽( sun )在北歐人的心目中是極其神聖的。為了表示對太陽的敬仰,人們把每周的第一天命名為 Sunday 。
B : Monday (星期一),這是一周中的第二天。為了表達對月亮( moon )的敬仰,人們把這一天稱作 moon day ,後來演變成 Monday 。
A : Tuesday (星期二),這是一周的第三天。北歐神話里有一個戰神名叫 Tyr ,他機智勇敢,用一些奇異的材料製成一條項鏈,他用這條項鏈將狼精縛住,換回了人類的平安。為了紀念他,英語中就以他的名字命名星期二。 Tyr 在古英語中寫成 Tiw ,這一天就叫做 Tiwesdaeg ,即 Tiw 』 s day (戰神日),後來演變成 Tuesday 。
B : Wednesday (星期三),是以北歐神話中的主神 Woden 的名字命名的。 Woden 是北歐神話中掌管文化、藝術、戰爭等的最高神,他以行動迅速、能言善辯聞名。 Woden 是戰神的父親,又是風暴之神,他曾將戰死者的英靈邀至天堂,代之以人間的娛樂。星期三以 Woden, 的名字命名,古英語寫作 Wodensdaeg ,即「 the day of Woden 」。
A : Thursday (星期四),是以北歐神話中的雷神 Thor 的名字命名的。 Thor 是北歐神話中最強大、最勇敢的神,他駕駛著山羊拉的戰車掠過天空,製造出雷電,是雷電之神。
B : Friday (星期五),是以「愛神「的名字命名的。北歐神話中的「愛神、婚姻女神」叫做 Frigga ,相當於羅馬神話中的「維納斯」。
她是 Woden 的妻子。人們用她丈夫的名字命名星期三,用她兒子( Thor )的名字命名星期四,為了撫慰 Frigga 本人,人們便以她的名字命名了星期五。
A : Saturday (星期六),這是一周中的第七天。它是以羅馬的農神 Saturn 的名字命名的。因此是「農神日」,是唯一保留羅馬名稱的一天。
B : It 』 s interesting. 同學們,你們現在明白了嗎?
A :現在讓我們來學習有關時間的諺語

B: Time consecrates: what is gray with age omes religion.

A: What may be done at any time will be done at no time.

B: Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.
A: Time flies like an arrow, and time lost never returns.

B: Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.

A: Do not squander time---that 』s the stuff life is made of. 不要浪費時間,因生命由它而成。

B; Nothing can be done without time just as no one can live without air. 沒有時間,我們做不成任何事;正如沒有空氣,我們

A: 時間就是金錢 同學們 不要讓時間悄悄的從你的眼底溜過去 從現在起 抓緊時間 做時間的主人

B :同學們,又到說再見的時候了。 It』s time to say goodbye. 親愛的同學們,我們衷心地祝願: Learning English 能成為你的良師益友,願它能帶走你所有的煩惱,為你帶去無盡的歡樂 A :願它能給你留下美好的回憶,伴隨你度過美麗的大學時光。
B: 再見

B. 校園英文播音稿

Youth Vision We, leaving ushered in ignorance of youth belongs to us. Youth, let us wantonly, Chang-Ran his mind, body odor, as the freedom of the wind, feel the cloud is so comfortable in, because youth has given us the pinnacle of life, we do not mature, we are no longer ignorant, we have had persistent. Life is the pursuit of the ideal, the ideal is the light of life, loss of the role of this light, it will lose the courage to live. Therefore, only by adhering to lofty ideals, we will be in the ocean of life lost. Tolstoy would be the ideal of life into the ideal of life, a phase of the ideal, the ideal of the year, month, the ideal, or even one day, one hour, one minute ideals. When you hear here, the students, do you think of their own ideals? Flowering season of life is life in the spring, it is beautiful, but short-lived. As a college student should, at this time, study hard, strive to excel, to find an own sky. Young people are the hope of the motherland, nation's future. Dominate each person their own future. One philosopher said: "The dream away a lot of road, woke up still in bed." It vividly tells us a truth: people can not lie dream of the ideal life style. Yes, not only have vision, but also bold and fantasy, but also should try to do, in the ideal lay waiting for a new start, if not indefinitely, even already have will be lost. Students, do you also dream of the ideal of a loss then? Predecessors well said, "interested person Li Chang-chih, the people have always determined no Chi", the people who can not blog "blog" is the dream, that is, the so-called "ideal", they painted their own blueprint for structure and then OK, and then improved only castle in the air, a mirage Bale. Students, you are the person Li Chang-chih, or often determined the people? Finally, I would like to use the words of Liang to end today's lecture: "Youth are the country-chi-chi, young rich and The Wealth of Nations, youth are strong, the country strong, young country progress is progress, juvenile male on Earth, then the country hung on Earth." Let's spill all the way sweat and drink all the way eolian, chewing with a hard youth has continued to burn under the red flag; willing to embrace each and every youth have their own ideals in life's journey to continuously forge ahead and march on!青春·理想 我們,撇下無知迎來了屬於我們的青春。青春,讓我們肆無忌憚,暢然釋懷,體味風那樣的自由,感受雲那般的自在,因為青春賦予我們的是生命的巔峰,我們無須成熟,我們不再無知,我們唯有執著。 人生是對理想的追求,理想是人生的指示燈,失去了這燈的作用,就會失去生活的勇氣。因此,只有堅持遠大的人生理想,才不會在生活的海洋中迷失方向。托爾斯泰將人生的理想分成一輩子的理想,一個階段的理想,一年的理想,一個月的理想,甚至一天、一小時、一分鍾的理想。當你聽到這里,同學們,你是否想到了自己的理想? 人生的花季是生命的春天,它美麗,卻短暫。作為一名大學生就應該在這一時期,努力學習,奮發向上,找到一片屬於自己的天空。青年是祖國的希望,民族的未來。每個人主宰著自己的明天。 有一位哲人說過:「夢里走了許多路,醒來還是在床上。」它形象地告訴我們一個道理:人不能躺在夢幻式的理想中生活。是的,人不僅要有理想,還要大膽幻想,但更要努力去做,在理想中躺著等待新的開始,如果不僅遙遙無期,甚至連已經擁有的也會失去。同學們,你們是否也正在夢幻的理想中彷徨呢? 前人說得好,「有志之人立長志,無志之人常立志」,那些無志之人的「志」,就是美夢,就是所謂的「理想」,他們把自己的藍圖構畫得再美好,再完善,也只是空中樓閣,海市蜃樓罷了。同學們,你是立長志之人,還是常立志之人呢? 最後我想用梁啟超的話來結束今天的演講:「少年智則國智,少年富則國富,少年強則國強,少年進步則國進步,少年雄於地球,則國雄於地球。」讓我們灑一路汗水,飲一路風塵,嚼一跟艱辛,讓青春在紅旗下繼續燃燒;願每一位青年都懷抱著自己的理想,在人生的航程上不斷乘風破浪,奮勇前進!

C. 我想要動車和高鐵上的中英文雙語廣播稿

英文:Dear passengers, welcome to take G018 high-speed train from Beijing  to Shanghai .  G018 high-speed train will depart soon. Please check in with your luggage as soon as possible. Smoking is forbidden in this train. Please don』t smoke in the carriages. Please put the garbage in the garbage bag in front of your seat in order to keep the carriages clean. Thank you for your cooperation. Have a good trip.

D. 英語廣播稿 英漢對照 很急!!!!!!!!!

Hello,everyone!This is the campus radio.
As the mid-term exams are coming,we are all busy preparing for them.Now I'll talk about something we should care about before the exams.
First,we should take a peaceful attitude to them,just as usual.Though study is important,relaxation also cannot be ignored.You can just take a deep breath and looking out of the window for a while when you are tired.
Second,you should have confidence in yourself.Remember,confidence is really important for one who wanna manage to do something.
Before every exam,you should check if something is forgotten to be taken,especially the admission card for the exams.And don't be nervous,just be yourself.
Good luck,everyone!Wish you all have a good score!

E. 英文廣播稿,還有開頭和結尾

Julius Caesarsaid, 「It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find thosewho are willing to enre pain with patience.」
To succeed youmust have a vast amount of enring patience.
What is patience?According to Barbara Johnson, it』s the ability to idle your motor when you feellike stripping your gears. Guy Kawasaki said it』s the art of concealing yourimpatience, while Titus Plautus concludes that it』s the best remedy for everytrouble.
那麼,什麼是耐心呢?根據巴巴拉約翰遜的說法,這是一種類似像在拆掉了拍檔之後,讓自己的馬達空轉。Guy Kawasaki(美國矽谷的Garage(車庫)技術風險投資公司創始人、董事局主席)說,這是一種藝術,隱藏你的沖動。而普勞特斯(拉丁喜劇作家)總結說,這是所有問題的良葯。
I submit to youthat patience is the missing link to your success…
So when things gowrong remember that the grass will grow again, yes it will take time, but inthe words of Jean Jacques Rousseau, 「Patience is bitter, but its fruit issweet,」 so don』t overreact, don』t over steer, be patient, let things settle,less you find your delay considerably longer than it would otherwise be.
The scriptureteaches us that in your patience you possess your soul, which is perhaps whyFrancis Bacon noted that whoever is out of patience is out of possession oftheir soul.
Elbert Hubbardsaid, 「How many a man has thrown up his hands at a time when a little moreeffort, a little more patience would have achieved success.」
It』s true.
You were almostthere, you had just about figured it out, and then your impatience got thebetter of you, which is perhaps why Solomon wrote, he that controls his angeris greater than the mighty.
Christina Miliansaid, 「My advice to someone who would follow in my footsteps is to havepatience. I』ve been doing this for twelve years.」
Saint Francis deSales wisely noted, 「Have patience with all things. But, first with yourself.」And Saadi said, 「Have patience. All things are difficult before they becomeeasy.」
Saint Francis de Sales(聖方濟沙雷)曾記錄下「耐心對待所有的事,而首先就是要對自己有耐心。」還有薩阿迪說過「有一些耐心,所有的事情在變簡單之前都是很復雜的。」
You』ve been tryingto succeed without patience! You failed to apprehend three of the most criticalsteps to success. They are: First to have patience, second to be patient, andthird to enre patiently.
No one succeedswithout patience.
Ralph Waldo Emersonsaid, 「Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.
Have you been overreacting? Have you been impatient?
It didn』t take youa week to get into your situation; it won』t take you a week to get out of it.
Anxiety causes thewaters of life to rage; dooming your success, but patience stills the watersand allows you to navigate safely to your intended destination.
Don』t be like TomHolt, Tom said, 「Everything is out there if you know how to find it, and youhave the patience. I don』t and haven』t, but that』s my problem.」 Don』t just knowthat you need patience, have patience.
I like to say,there』s nothing you can』t achieve if you have the three 「P』s」: Purpose,Passion, and Patience. You have to have patience.
George Savilewisely observed that, 「A man who is a master of patience is a master ofeverything else.」
Thomas Kempissaid, 「All men commend patience, although few are willing to practice it.」 Areyou practicing patience?
Benjamin Franklinsaid, 「He that can have patience can have what he will.」 Arnold Glasow noted「The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg,not by smashing it.」
本傑明富蘭克林曾說過「能夠擁有耐心的人能夠擁有他想要的一切。」Arnold Glasow曾寫下「所有事情的關鍵都是耐心。你可以通過孵化雞蛋來得到一隻雞,而不是砸碎它。」
Francis Quarlessaid, 「Abused patience turns to fury.」 But I think he had it wrong. Truepatience isn』t putting up with, true patience is faith and works in action,which is maybe why Michelangelo said that 「Genius is eternal patience.」
Francis Quarles曾說過「濫用耐心只會讓事情更糟糕。」但我覺得他說錯了。耐心並不是簡單的忍受,真正的耐心是一種信念和切實的行動,這也許就是為什麼米開朗基羅說「天才就是永恆的耐心」。
But I believe thatEdmund Burke said it best, he simply said, 「Our patience will achieve more thanour force.」
Be patient, beconsistent, and in time you will have your desires. In the profound words ofWilliam Penn, 「Patience and diligence, like faith, will remove mountains.

F. 求一篇英語廣播稿,在高中念的,兩個人對話式,時間大約十分鍾, 最好能推薦幾個有英文廣播稿的網站。

broadcasting script
What subject do u talk about?

G. 需要英文的廣播稿

有兩個 你自己看看~~然後自己挑選一下 十五分鍾 濃縮一下 可以讀完 希望能幫到你!
1.the young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful when blooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers ,moet people think they are ugly.and so it is the same with young,we are enthusiastic when we are young,then we may lose our passion when getting older and older.so we must treasure it ,don't let the limitted time pass by ,leaving nothing of significance.
2. When times become difficult (and you know they sometimes will), remember a moment in your life that was filled with joy and happiness. Remember how it made you feel, and you will have the strength you need to get through any trial.
When life throws you one more obstacle than you think you can handle, remember something you achieved through perseverance and by struggling to the end. In doing so, you'll find you have the ability to overcome each obstacle brought your way.
When you find yourself drained and depleted of energy, remember to find a place of sanctuary and rest. 當你覺得精疲力盡的時候,暫時離開,讓自己稍作休息。

Take the necessary time in your own life to dream your dreams and renew your energy, so you'll be ready to face each new day. 從你的生活中多抽出點時間去夢想,重振你的精力,你會完全准備好又去迎接新的一天。

When you feel tension building, find something fun to do. You'll find that the stress you feel will dissipate and your thoughts will become clearer.

When you're faced with so many negative and draining situations, realize how minuscule problems will seem when you view your life as a whole--and remember the positive things.

H. 求一份英語廣播電台的播音稿 只要開場白 盡量長

dear friends ,
welcome to enter our ***,all members of this program will send the best wishese to you ,we exspect that you will be happy on sundays and have a good time.
there we will talk about something we are interested in ,share emotions and listen to free music,what's more ,many pieces of humous will make you happy!
這是我在大學院廣播台用了一段時間的 希望對你有用

I. 關於Lene Marlin 的中英雙語廣播稿

August 17, 1980 was a very special day in the Pedersen household as Lene was born. Her parents gave her the name Lene Marlin Pedersen, today the world knows her better as Lene Marlin. Her parents must have sensed something special about Lene as she grew, in fact Lene tells the story of being two years old and crying because she had to leave a guitar behind at the music store. She attributes some of her love for music and playing the guitar to that day as she found a deep interest in music, both in writing songs and singing.

When Lene was 15 years old her parents surprised her with a guitar for christmas, this one she kept close to her heart. It almost seemed as though the guitar belonged in her hands, she learned to play quickly and before long was performing for a small group of friends. Several of her first songs were recorded on her home cassette player which she would then playback and begin to refine her songs.

Sometime ring the summer of 1997, NRK (the main norwegian TV/Radio station) in Lene's hometown received a tip about this talented young girl who wrote and played her own songs, writing them from her room at home. The TV station invited her in to record a song. Someone who worked for NRK heard her music and told Per-Erik Johansen at Virgin Records about Lene. Three weeks later a contract had been signed and Lene's life took an interesting turn.

In 1998 came the release in Norway of her first single "Unforgivable Sinner". It proved to be a huge hit as it reached number one and kept that position for 8 weeks. It was also the fastest selling single in Norwegian music history. Her second single "Sitting Down Here" also did very well in Norway and led into the release of her album "Playing My Game" on March 22 in Norway. In only 3 days the album sold 50,000 copies, quite the accomplishment in a country with a population of 4.4 million. (To put that in perspective for those in the US, that would mean that an artist would need to sell 3.4 million in the US in 3 days to match her numbers.)

During 1999 her album sales have soared. Her album continues to sell well in Europe, today album sales total around 1,500,000. This is a very promising sign for Lene Marlin, her management, and Virgin Records.

Lene won four awards at the norwegian grammy awards in 1999, as well as the MTV-Europe award for Best Nordic Act in Dublin on November 11, 1999, being yet another sign that this young lady is reaching heights that few have ever seen.

Virgin has decided not to release her current album in the US. This e to a number of factors, one of which involves the amount of time she would need to spend in the US for the album to succeed. We are hopeful that in the near future, maybe with the release of her next album, Virgin will give some serious consideration and focus on the US market as well.

1980年8月17日,對於Pedersen一家來說是個特別的日子,這一天Lene出生了。她的父母給她取名Lene Marlin Pedersen,她就是如今大家熟知的Lene Marlin。Lene的父母在她很小的時候就感覺她與眾不同,Lene說,在她兩歲的有一天,在音樂店裡第一次看到了吉他,她非常感興趣, 以至於父母要抱她離開時竟然大哭起來。Lene在音樂和練習吉他方面投入了很多熱情, 她發現她能在音樂里找到很多樂趣,同時寫歌和唱歌也讓她感到十分快樂。

1997年夏季的某一天,Lene家鄉的NRK(挪威主要的一個廣播電視台)的Troms從別人那裡知道了Lene這樣一個能自己寫歌唱歌的女孩,就邀請Lene去錄了一首歌,電視台一些人聽過Lene的音樂後就向挪威 Virgin唱片的Per-Erik Johansen推薦。三個星期後,Virgin唱片和Lene簽約了,從此Lene的生命翻開了更精彩的一頁。

1998年,Lene的第一張單曲唱片「Unforgivable Sinner」 在挪威發行。隨之,連續8周這張單曲名列排行榜首位。它也是挪威音樂歷史上銷售速度最快的單曲唱片。Lene的第二支單曲「Sitting Down Here」也創下很好的成績, 並被收入她的第一張專輯「Playing My Game」中, 這張99年三月22日發行的專輯,僅僅三天就銷售50,000張, 這在僅有四百四十萬人口的國家裡確實是一個相當不錯的成績。99年,這張專輯的銷售一直居高不下。 對Lene Marlin和Virgin唱片來說,他們的簽約都很有價值。



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