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发布时间:2021-03-07 03:06:37

A. 四年级上册英语试卷答案!!!!快快快快


1、A. hen B. cow C. goat D. fat
2、A. rainy B. windy C. cloudy D. Hello
3、A. blue B. shirt C. dress D. jacket
4、A. one B.time C. two D. thirty
5、A.artroom B. computeroom C. washroom D. board
1、Welcome to our! A. school B. homework C. srudents.
2、What time is it ? It’s . A. 8 B. 8 o’clock C. clock’s 8
3、Is that your sweater ?. A. No,It’s B. Yes,It’s c.Ysr,Jtisn’t
4、What’s the weather like today ?. A. It’s sunny B. go C. close
5、How much is this dress ?. A. pretty B. too expensive C. 99yuan
1、Are they in the living room ? A. Yes,he is
2、Is this your father ? B. I’d like some chicken
3、What’s his name ? C. No,they aren’t
4、Can I have some noodles ? D.His name is Mike
5、What would you like for dinner ? E. sure,Here you are
Mike is my friend. He’s thirteen. He is Engish. We are in the same school. We are not in the same class. His father,Mr Black is a driver. He is forty. His morher is not a driver. She is a nurse. She is forty-three. Mike has a sister.
1、Mike isyears old. 2、Mr Black is a.
3、Mike’s mother is a . 4、Mike has a .
5、Mr Black is Mike’s.
一、1、D 2、D 3、A 4、B 5、D
二、1、A 2、B 3、B 4、A 5、C
三、1、C 2、A 3、D 4、E 5、B
四、1、thirteen 2、driver
3、nurse 4、sister

B. 四年级上册英语期末试卷苏教版

( )1. Where ______ my tea ? ______ on the table .
A. are ; They’re B. is ; It’s C. is; They’re
( )2. Something to_______ ? Apple juice , please .
A. eat B. drink C.have
( )3. There _________a pen and some books on the desk .
A. is B. are C. have
( )4. _______ in the box ? ______some chocolate .
A.What’s ; It’s B. What’s ;There’s C. Where’s ;There are

( ) 1.早晨见到老师和同学
A. Good morning! B. How are you?
( ) 2.假期后回到学校见到同学
A. How old are you? B. How are you?

三、选择。( )1. Where ______ my tea ? ______ on the table . A. are ; They’re B. is ; It’s C. is; They’re ( )2. Something to_______ ? Apple juice , please . A. eat B. drink C.have ( )3. There _________a pen and some books on the desk . A. is B. are C. have ( )4. _______ in the box ? ______some chocolate . A.What’s ; It’s B. What’s ;There’s C. Where’s ;There are 五、连词成句。(5分)

1. this, I , have , rubber , may ( ? )


2. what, over, is, that, there ( ? )


3. is, a, rabbit, that, nice ( . )


4. look, can, a, have, I ( ? )


A: Mum, it’s Teachers’ Day. I’d like a card for my teacher.

B: OK! Here is a green one, on the desk.

A: Thank you, Mum. What’s the time , please?

B: It’s seven o’clock.

A: It’s late. Where’s my school bag?

B: It’s on the bed.

A: Mum, shall we go by bus?

B: OK. Let’s close the door.

( )1. It’s Teachers’ Day.

( )2. His school bag is on the desk.

( )3. They go to school by bike.

( )4. They go to school at seven.
二、翻译。(10分 )

1.她的圆珠笔 _______________ 2.那只老虎 _______________

3.我的熊_______ ________ 4. 看一看_____________ __

5.他的钥匙____________ ___ 6. Here you are _______________

7. How lovely! _______________ 8.Not at all _______ _______

9.come in ______________ _ 10. over there ____________ ___

C. 四年级上册英语金钥匙分类复习检测试卷(听力)答案


D. 苏教版四年级上册英语课时练习答案


E. 四年级上册英语听读加强版期中试卷答案(江苏风凰科)

ⅠADCBCBDACCBACDC Ⅱ. 1. ruler 2. key 3. map 4. jacket 5. orange 6. pen 7. English 8. spell 9.what 10. please Ⅲ. 1. C I 和O都是元音字母。 2. B 字母I的笔划是三划。 3. C 题意:“这是一把钥匙吗?”“是的,它是。”问句是一般疑问句,应用yes或no来回答,B项中主语不能用that,D项前后矛盾,只有C项符合题意,故选C。 4. A 题意:“你的夹克真好看。”“谢谢。”对于别的赞扬,应该表示感谢,故选A。 5. B eye发音为[ai],与字母Ii同音。 6. B 题意:这用英语怎么说?介词in表示“用某种语言说”,故选B。 7. C 询问英文名称应该用“What‟s this in English?”,是固定句型。 8. B “Fine, Thank you. And you?”意为“很好,谢谢。你呢?”,回答一般是“I‟m fine, too.”,意为“我也很好。” 9. D 英语中元音字母一共有五个,分别是a, e, i,o, u, A项中的k,B项中的n和C项中的j均是辅音字母。 10. B 题意:我的名字是汤姆。my name是第三人称单数,故be动词用is。 11. A 题意:“这是什么?”“这是字母Q。”由答语可知问句是询问是什么东西,故选A。D
项语序不对。 12. C 题意:“早上好。”“早上好。”当对方打招呼用Goodmorning.时,回应也用相同的语句。 13. A 题意:“你身体怎么样,海伦?”“我很好,谢谢。”询问某人近况用How are you, 尤其指身体状况。 14. C 题意:“晚上好,辛迪。”“晚上好。”跟某人打招呼,直接在招呼语之后说出名字即可,之前不加任何介词。名字首字母要大写,故选C。 15. C 题意:“这用英语怎么说?”“这是bike。”It‟s 是It is的缩写,It指代问句中的this,以避免重复,is是谓语动词。Ⅳ. 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C Ⅴ. 11.in 12. an 13. a 14.it 15.Q-U-I-L-T Ⅵ. 1. B 2. C 3. E 4. A 5. D Ⅶ. 1. Good morning. 2. Good afternoon. 3. Good night. 4. I‟m sorry. 5. That‟s all right. 6. Thank you. 7. Excuseme. 8. Thank you. 9. What‟s this in English? 10. How do you do?

F. 四年级上册英语课堂作业本全部(听力部分、习题部分)答案。




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