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发布时间:2021-03-16 18:54:16

苏教版六年级英语上册unit1 小短文课文


⑵ 六年级上册英语复习资料苏教版

What are you doing ?
What does it mean ?
When is your birthday ?
What would you like as your birthday pesent?
What did you did last week ?
What else did you did ?
I was `````
Where did you go ?
nest time . collet eggs.pick oragers
take off the costumes
biow out the candles
it is time for ````
try to remember where the things are
Did you ````last `````````?
eat lots of delicious food
visit your relatives and friends
eat moon cakes
Holiday in China
go to beaches
eat rice mplings
watch the moon
a popular holiday
spend ``with ```
Whose ```is it ?
Whose ```are they ?
went to supermarket
ask him to take it to the police station

⑶ 苏教版六年级上册英语书


⑷ 2014秋新版苏教版牛津译林出版社小学6a六年级上册英语书课本教材 电子版


⑸ 苏教版六年级上册英语第一单元课文 苏教版 苏教版的,一定要苏教版的!

unit 1 public signs



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