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发布时间:2021-01-25 11:18:27


Olympic ad Me
I am looking forward to the days coming of Aug.8TH 2008, the day Beijing Olympic games will be opened, the day Sports family gather in beijing, and the day All the Chinese feel proud.
As a littke host , I really want to be honorable volunteer for it, however, I am still too young to be a real volunteer , but I can still contribute for it (according as I am able)
First , as a citizen of Beijing, I will welcome every friend from all over the world with my enthusiasm and smile to show us beijing people’s friendship and hospitality. And let theforeigh friends know(feel) Beijing from the smile on our face
Then/second, I will study English harder.During the Olympic Games ,I can communicate with the foreigh friends in english and serve for them such as to be a interpreter and show them the way, let them love beijing more from our enthusiastic help
Third, I will learn more knowadge about Beijing and The Olympic Games in order to introce the beautiful beijing to foreigners and its long history and splendor culture in the future.Let them Kow more about China by talking to each Beijinger
At last I will mobilize every students around me to learn civilized manners andstrenth the consciousness of theprotecting the enivoement .we should do from now on for beijing Olympic Game to be a real Green Olympics, humanities Olympics, technology Olympics
“One word One dream” I hope my dream will come true

可以自己分开你说什么 别人说什么

② 小学生五年级英语故事表演稿!!!

Fox and cock
One morning a fox sees a cock.He think,"This is my breakfast."
He comes up to the cock and says,"I know you can sing very well.Can you sing for me?"The cock is glad.He closes his eyes and begins to sing.The fox sees that and caches him in his mouth and carries him away.
The people in the field see the fox.They cry,"Look,look!The fox is carrying the cock away."The cock says to the
fox,"Mr Fox,do you understand?The people say you are carrying their cock away.Tell them it is yours.Not theirs.''
The fox opens his mouth and says,"The cock is mine,not yours.''Just then the cock runs away from the fox and flies in to the tree.

③ 五年级英语故事大赛演讲稿

A businessman walks into a bank in San Francisco and asks for the loan officer. He says he is going to Europe on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000. The bank officer says the bank will need some kind of security for such a loan.

So the businessman hands over the keys to a Rolls Royce parked on the street in front of the bank. Everything checks out, and the bank agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan. An employee drives the Rolls into the bank's underground garage and parks it there.

Two weeks later, the businessman returns, repays the $5,000 and the interest, which comes to $15.41.

The loan officer says, "We are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled.

While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multimillionaire. What puzzles us is why would you bother to borrow $5,000?"

The businessman replied, "Where else in San Francisco can I park my car for two weeks for $15 bucks?"

You should've known it

"I never would have married you if I knew how stupid you
were!" shouted the woman to her husband!
The husband replied, "You should've known how stupid I was
the minute I asked you to marry me!"



Who is Stupid?

A teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses.
She started her class by saying, "Everyone who thinks you're
stupid, stand up!"
Little Johnny then stood up.
The teacher said, "Do you think you're stupid,Johnny?"
"No, ma'am, but I hate to see you standing there all by



When Jack bowed to someone, he always did it at lightening speed. You shouldn't wait any longer after he has had his head nod. So he was blamed for no manners. Then some warmhearted men taught him, "When you bow to somebody next time, you can count 'January, February, March. until December. Then you can lift your body up. Thus, the ceremony will be perfect.
The next day, he met his uncle, he did as the men told him. The bow was so long that it made his uncle feel surprised and escaped away soon . When Jack looked up, he found his uncle gone . So he asked the passer, "Which month did he go away?杰克给人鞠躬,飞快地一点头,就算完了。大家都怪他不懂礼貌。于是便有好心的人教他说,“下次鞠躬的时候,你就在心里数:正月、二月、……一直数到十二月为止,然后再直起身来。这样,礼节就周全了。”第二天,杰克见到他的叔叔,他便如法炮制。这躬鞠得太久,叔叔吃了一惊,赶紧逃开了。杰克抬头一看,其叔早已不知去向,他便问过路人:“我叔叔几月走的?”
Fox and cock
One morning a fox sees a cock.He
think,"This is my breakfast.''
He comes up to the cock and says,"I know
you can sing very well.Can you sing for me?''The
cock is glad.He closes his eyes and begins
to sing.The fox sees that and caches him in his mouth and carries him away.
The people in the field see the fox.They cry,"Look,look!The fox is carrying the cock away.''The cock says to the fox,"Mr Fox,do you understand?The people say you are carrying their cock away.Tell them it is yours.Not theirs.''
The fox opens his mouth ang says,"The cock is mine,not yours.''Just then the cock runs away from the fox and flies into the tree.

The Old Cat
An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.

Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young."





A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said, "I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat." Then he took the apples and threw them away into the st.

He went on and came to a river. The river had become very big; so he could not go over it. He waited for some time; then he said, "I cannot go to the rich man's house today, for I cannot get over the river."

He began to go home. He had eaten no food that day. He began to want food. He came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the st and eat them.

Do not throw good things away; you may be glad to have them at some other time.






The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do come and see me at my house in the country." So the City mouse went. The City mouse said, "This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have nice food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city."

The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, " Run! Run! The cat is coming!" They ran away quickly and hid.

After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said, "I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid."






Teacher:Why are you late for school every morning?

Tom:Every time I come to the corner,a sign says,"School-Go slow".

A Good Boy

Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?"
"I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered.
"You're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?"
"She is the one who sells the candy."


“我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。 “你真是个好孩子,”妈妈骄傲地说。“再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?”


One day, a father and his little son were going home. At this age, the boy was interested in all kinds of things and was always asking questions. Now, he asked, "What's the meaning of the word 'Drunk', dad?" "Well, my son," his father replied, "look, there are standing two policemen. If I regard the two policemen as four then I am drunk."
"But, dad," the boy said, " there's only ONE policeman!"


一天,父亲与小儿子一道回家。这个孩子正处于那种对什么事都很感兴趣的年龄,老是有提不完的问题。他向父亲发问道:“爸爸,‘醉’字是什么意思?” “唔,孩子,”父亲回答说,“你瞧那儿站着两个警察。如果我把他们看成了四个,那么我就算醉了。” “可是,爸爸, ”孩子说,“那儿只有一个警察呀!”


④ 小学五年级的英语故事演讲稿 要五年级水平的小故事 2分钟的 演讲稿2分钟

You should've known it

"I never would have married you if I knew how stupid you
were!" shouted the woman to her husband!
The husband replied, "You should've known how stupid I was
the minute I asked you to marry me!"

⑤ 求一篇五年级英语演讲稿

Dear teacher and classmates:
I am very glad to make a speech here in this class again! This time, I\'d like to talk something about English.
I love English. English language is now used everywhere in the world. It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. Learning English makes me confident and brings me great pleasure.

⑥ 五年级英语演讲稿

In china, people believe that, at the beginning, the tiger and the cat were friends, and the cat was much smarter than the tiger .The cat learned the physical skills quickly, and the tiger was always behind. Graally, the tiger had to learn from the cat, and the cat was patient to teach the tiger. Day after day, month after month, finally, the tiger could also run, jump, roll, grasp, tear, and strike as well as the cat.One summer afternoon, the cat was taking a nap as the tiger sitting nearby. Looking at the cat, the tiger suddenly thought, why should he keep befriending with such a small animal since he had already learnt all the skills from the cat? The evil tiger decided to kill the sleeping cat as a before dinner snack. The tiger stood up and approached the cat viciously. Just as this moment, the cat woke up. Opening up her eyes, the smart cat immediately realized what the tiger was trying to do and swiftly jumped onto a nearby tall tree and climbed to the top branch.The thought he had already learned every skill from the cat .But he never knew that the cat had hidden the tree climbing from him. “ kept the last technique of the tree climbing from you just because I suspected you might be can ungrateful friend.” The cat loudly told the tiger who watched under the tree helplessly. 在中国,人们相信在很久以前猫和老虎是好朋友,而且猫比老虎聪明的多。猫学习动作技巧很快,老虎却总是落后。渐渐的,老虎不得不向猫学习了,猫也很有耐心的教老虎。日复一日,月复一月,老虎终于也可以像猫一样,跑,跳,打滚,扑抓,撕咬,击打。 一个夏天的下午,猫在打盹,老虎在边上坐着。老虎看着猫,忽然想到,既然自己已经学会了猫的所有本领,为什么还要和这么小的动物一直做朋友呢?邪恶的老虎决定杀死熟睡中的猫,当作晚餐前的点心。老虎站起来,邪恶的一步步靠近猫。就在这时,猫醒来了。聪明的她睁开眼睛立刻意识到老虎要干什么,于是立刻灵活的跳到了附近的大树上,爬到树顶。 老虎以为他已经学到了猫的所有本领,但他不知道猫还藏了一手爬树的本事。 “我没有让你学这最后一个爬树的技巧,因为我怀疑你可能会是个不知感恩的朋友。”猫高声告诉树下无奈的老虎。

⑦ 小学(五年级)英文演讲稿带翻译!2分钟的!急!!!!!在线等!!!!!

Dear teachers and students: Good morning!
My name is Tom, is a primary school. 11 years old, the Ming Road Primary School in fifth grade reading. I have today and we talk about "my story with an EF school "----- since coming to the EF school, with Lida, Ray, and Anna three teachers to learn English, I began to have a strong interest in English! My first English teacher was American, her name is Lida, her tall, very young, very beautiful! Her eyes are blue. She taught me courage to speak English. I like her. But she returned to the United States. Where her father and mother, that is her home.
My current English teacher is Ray, he is also an American, he is a male teacher, he's tall, very thin. I like his English class. We play in the classroom, play games, play in the process, I learned to speak English and foreign friends to speak.
Another teacher she called Anna, she is Chinese. Her big eyes, long hair. She is very beautiful! She told us very well!
I know a lot of children here, they are in a different school. However, every Saturday, we are gathered here to listen to Ray and Anna lectures, play games together with Ray, we all very happy together! Also learned a lot. EF very big schools, where teachers from the United Kingdom, the United States, as well as Canada. I like English! Because it's fun! When I grow up, I'm going to the United States, Britain and Canada travel, get to know people there. I also want to go to Harvard University to study! I have an uncle who read the book in Harvard, he is very good! He is now working in Shanghai. Another uncle visited the United States, Bell Labs study, he was great! I want to be like them, learn, grow, and to use their knowledge to build our country! 亲爱的老师和同学们:上午好!

⑧ 五年级英语演讲稿内容短一点。。。。。。。。。。

   My days of the week
I go to school From Monday to Friday.We have Chinese and math everyday. We have 3 English classes every week--on Monday ,Wednesday and Friday. Wednesday is my favourite day.Because we have computer and music.And we have potatoes for lunch.Potatoes are my favourite food.On weekends we have no classes.I usually read books and watch TV.Sometimes I go to a park and climb mountains.I can have chicken,fish and beef for dinner.I like my weekends.
What can my family do?
I have a happy family.I am helpful.I can clean the bedroom,empty the trash and water the flowers.My mother is good.She can cook dinner and wash the clothes.My father can sweep the floor and do the dishes.I like my parents and they love me.
My birthday is Oct. 14th.On my birthday I often go to a park.I eat a big birthday cake and mom cooks dinner for me.We have chicken,fish,pork,beef,tofu and vegetables.It’s a big dinner.I am very happy on that day.My mother’s birthday is Jan 4th.My father’s birthday is May 10th.
My family
I have a happy family.There are 3 people in my family----father,mother and me.My father is a worker.He is 35.He is tall and strong.He’s very strict.He likes chicken and fish.Because they are tasty.He likes summer. Because he can swim in the river .My mother is a teacher.She’s 32.She’s young and pretty.She’s short and thin.She’s very kind.She likes red.She likes fruit She likes spring.Because she can climb mountains.I am a student.I’m 11.I am tall.I like hamburgers. Because they are tasty. I like winter.Because I can make a snowman.I love my parents and they love me.We are happy everyday.
My room
I have my own room.It’s small and nice.There is a mirror,a bed and a big closet.The mirror is over the bed.The closet is near the door.There are two end tables near the bed.There are green curtains.There is a new air-conditioner.It’s near the window.It’s cool.The trash bin is behind the door.I love my room very much.

⑨ 小学五年级英语演讲稿,两分钟左右。

Hello.Nice to meet you.My name is...I'm... I am a XX Student.I like play .(+喜欢的运动或游戏)I like
...(喜欢的水果..注意是复数).There are 3 people in my family .They are my mother,my father and me.My father is a (+职业)版.My mother is a ..(+职业).
THank you ..鞠躬..

这是我权小学演讲的- -...



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